Thursday, March 20, 2008

A tribute to a hero: Li Kai Nian

The greatest thrill, and there have been many the past 36 hours, is meeting Zoe's caregiver, Li Kai Nian. She worked at the CWI for almost ten years, before being fired in the mass purge by the current evil director. She is probably in her 60s. While we awere sitting and discussing with the orpahange's former director, she began to sing the praises of her staff: how hard they worked, their devotion to the children, etc. She put her hand on Li Kai Nian's shoulder and said the following:

"This is a woman who would take a baby home at night with her to her home, to give it some special attention. She would bathe it and sleep with it, to give that child some extra attention and love," Li Kai Nian smiled and nodded.

When I tried to open my mouth to tell her how wonderful that was and, on behalf of all the parents who had adopted from ChaoHu, to thanks her, I lost it and began to cry, really cry! I choked out that the biggest dream and hope for parents while they waited for their children was that someone was loving them, like a mother would. I thanked her. She came over to me, crying, and hugged me, and we cried and cried together with our arms around each other. When I looked up, every person in the room was crying, CHen Jun, the director, HaiYing's mother, and Ian.

I am not naive enough to say that every child in one of China's orpahange's is cared for so tenderly, but it is safe to say that for most of our children, they were given the very best love and attention that could be provided, and that many of the nannies give the children so much of themselves. I am greatful in a way I never knew possible for this woman and all that she represents. I do not know if Zoe was one of those children that got a special trip home. I do not want to ask. I DO know that this woman's incredible joy at seeing Zoe is coming from that same place in her heart. And that is all that matters.

Thank you Li Kai Nian!


Truly Blessed said...

It's hard to type through my tears, but you are so right...we just want the babies to be loved until their new families can get to them. What a lovely woman, and how wonderful that you were able to re-connect and spend time with her.


Juliette, Lucie et Claudette said...

How very emotional - you had me crying in front of the monitor, at work! What a treasured experience for all of you. And how lucky to know such a wonderful woman. Truly a blessing.

Sandi (and Jon, Sydney, Elisabeth)